Probably the worst thing that any website can experience is extended web hosting downtime. When this happens you run the risk of alienating your audience permanently and spreading the wrong kind of WOM, or word of mouth. Getting good WOM means keeping a site that is fresh in content and compelling for readers or audience members. But when you create this need to visit your site through content, you'd better make sure that your followers can access that content whenever they wish. Who you choose to host your website has a lot to do with the amount of downtime that you will (or won't) experience. If you really want to resolve downtime issues permanently, the good news is that you can. You simply have to take the following steps:
Investigate Hosting Companies
Any web host worth its salt will stay at the forefront of technological developments to make sure that your site is well taken care of. That means protecting you from spammers and other Internet predators while delivering a site that operates smoothly and effectively. But not all hosting companies out there do this. In fact, very few do. It's up to you to look in to the companies that you are considering doing business with. Some of the things that you should look for from these companies during your investigation are as follows:
Redundancy and Multiple Servers
The thing about multiple servers is that it creates redundancy for your site so that if one server experiences a problem, the others are there to see you through. Multiple servers also allow you to be accessed by users at top notch speed across the globe, since they are typically located in multiple locations. If you can ensure downtime and improve the user experience, then you have truly created a win win situation for yourself.
You always need to avoid downtime so your site will perform well. To avoid this, you need to have a website monitoring service that offers 24/7 security for your site. I think this is really a must especially if your site is a eCommerce site.