Starting off your internet presence with a shared web hosting is probably the most ideal thing. But as your business grows, being on a shared server might not be sufficient to cater for the need of your business. As your internet business expands, so also will your server resource requirement expands. Hence, planning a soft landing for your website is definitely not out of place.
Shared hosting is good for new websites but as traffic surges, you should consider other forms of hosting. This is because shared hosting has limitations when we are talking about heavy traffic websites. There is the possibility for server users to bring it down with unscrupulous scripts which may affect your site. Downtime might not be a big deal to you when you don't have traffic, but as they start pumping in, you cannot afford a one-second downtime.
Upgrading to a budget dedicated server is one of the ways to eliminate the inconveniences of a shared server. But before you do that, it is important to know the pros and cons of having a budget dedicated hosting account. Unlike full dedicated hosting, where you run the server all on your own, budget dedicated hosting gives you the opportunity to run your website on a more affordable yet sophisticated platform. Your host would manage the server for you so that you can have time for other things bothering on your business.
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